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“I always wanted to develop authorial work that had a good level of emotional content and, at the same time, an original aesthetic. Not an easy task these days, where almost everything seems to be just a copy of what has been done before.

The first thing I did when we started this work was to let go of the obligation to do something new. I just let go of what came to mind. That way, I wouldn't be connected to any concept that could direct the work to this or that path, and I felt free to create without preconcepts. It was giving wings to musicality that the songs on these two albums emerged. A mixture of all musical, literary, personal and spiritual influences, and even transcendental ones, which I had the pleasure or displeasure of experiencing in the course of my life until then.


I believe that from the combination of all these sources in the work of composing these songs, together with the impeccable good taste, capacity and technical skill of my partners; Tony Gibson on recording, arranging and producing; and Júlio Tavares on drums, we managed to produce an original work, with its own striking style.

With no concern for labels, the songs on these two albums transition very naturally from Pop music to Progressive Rock, passing through Hard Rock, Rhythm & Blues, Country Music, etc., and the lyrics report expressions of the feelings that surround us, move us, and who also make us happy, inspire us, and carry us forward each day.”

mario jones

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